Recent and ongoing projects
Strengthening the Sustainability Strategy of the Central Hidroeléctrica de Caldas (CHEC) through the co-construction and implementation of the Territorial Development strategy in the departments of Caldas and Risaralda, the company's territories of influence
Client: Central Hidroeléctrica de Caldas (CHEC)
Region / Country: Colombia | Latin America & the Caribbean
Sectors: Energy | Land use planning
Client category: Private & public companies

The project aimed to contribute to the strengthening of the sustainability strategy of the Caldas Hydroelectric Power Plant -CHEC- through the co-construction and implementation of the Territorial Development strategy in the three territories of influence of the company, located in the departments of Caldas and Risaralda, and the promotion of strategic participation in spaces for collective action and interaction with stakeholders.
Insuco has supplied the following products:
- Matrix of Corporate Territorial Responsibility (RTE) indicators.
- Information collection and data analysis report.
- Document analysing the prioritised issues
- Report on participation in dialogue spaces.
- Publishable document on lessons learned on territorial development.
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