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Advisory support for the Association Fonenana Mendrika (AFM) as part of Tranche 2 of the funding for the project “Un Logement Digne pour Toutes et Tous (LD2T) – Improving housing conditions and mobilizing citizens in the slums of Antananarivo, Madagascar”
Client : Cota, for the French Development Agency (AFD)

Mission :
As part of the implementation of the project “Un logement digne pour toutes et tous! (LD2T) – Improving housing conditions and mobilizing citizens in the slums of Antananarivo, Madagascar” financed by the French Development Agency (AFD) and the Abbé Pierre foundation (FAP) and implemented by the Association Fonenana Mendrika (AFM), Cota asked Insuco to support the project in the second financing phase (13 months).
Working directly with AFM and its 9 partners, Insuco supported the consolidation of the project’s monitoring and evaluation tools, as well as the strategy for operationalizing its activities. Insuco also advised AFM on the drafting of strategic documents (advocacy documents and technical and financial reports).
Résultat :
Insuco provided the following services:
- Creation and animation of a “Project Lead” group,
- Overall supervision of monitoring-evaluation,
- Adjustment and consolidation of monitoring-evaluation tools,
- Support for the planning of Tranche 2 activities
- Technical response to specific operational needs (coaching, etc.).