Recent and ongoing projects
Development of a social plan in line with the social requirements of the Gold Standard certifier and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) for four solar photovoltaic energy projects with an average installed capacity of 60 MWp each
Region / Country: Dominican Republic | Latin America & the Caribbean
Sectors: Energy
Services: Social management
Client category: Private & public companies

The mission consisted of carrying out a census to know the total number of buildings, dwellings and the socio-economic characteristics of households and businesses located in Guajimía, Santo Domingo Oeste, Dominican Republic.
The following activities were carried out:
- Delimitation of the analysis framework
- Review and analysis of secondary information from the projects’ area of influence.
- Design of instruments for the collection of qualitative information.
- Semi-structured interviews and focus groups in Payita and Cumayasa.
- Identification of social impacts and risks
- Validation of the main action lines of the plan
- Plan design and prioritization criteria
- Design of a monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) system for the plan.
The following deliverables were provided to the client:
- Report on the social diagnosis of projects and recommendations to fill the gaps.
- Strategic social plan aligned with the social requirements of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Gold Standard certification agency for 5 Ecoener projects in the Dominican Republic.
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