Recent and ongoing projects
Advice for the development of the methodology for collecting information from people in situations of human mobility in the Calderón zonal administration.
Client: International University of Ecuador
Region / Country: Ecuador | Latin America & the Caribbean
Sectors: Cooperation & development support
Services: Data management | Studies
Client category: Private & public companies

The objective of the mission was to design, prepare and carry out a qualitative analysis (information collection) in order to identify gaps in access to rights for people in situations of human mobility in the territory of Calderón. Insuco developed the methodology for the information collection with the support of Insuco and the participation of students. The advice focused on the application of the methodology to the beneficiary population and the identification of the results and statistics from the information collection.
Insuco implemented the following activities:
- Review of references,
- Identification of stakeholders for the development of the plan,
- Quantitative analysis
- Correlation and prioritization technique,
- Monitoring and evaluation of impact.
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