Recent and ongoing projects
Feasibility study of the « Poto Mitan » program for strengthening gender equality in governance in Haiti
Client:Unite Caribbean for the French Development Agency (AFD)

The KNFP (Konsèy Nasyonal Finansman Popilè) and the CCFD-Terre Solidaire implemented a project between 2018 and 2021 (42 months) with the objective to contribute to a more inclusive democracy in Haiti through increased citizen participation, in particular of women and young people, in the development of territories, using an instrument called “the Makòn space”. Already present in two municipalities, Makòn spaces have been extended to three rural municipalities and one urban municipality (Cap Haitien) in northern Haiti as part of a financing instrument from the French Development Agency: FISONG (Facility D sectoral innovation for NGOs), on the theme of Citizen Participation.
The objective of this evaluation was to identify, based on the analysis of qualitative data, the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact of the project, particularly on gender and youth aspects.
Insuco Haiti provided the following deliverables:
- Inception report including the analysis of the documentation and the proposed collection tools,
- A diagnosis of gender and local citizen participation in Haiti, and in particular, of participation in Makòn
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